Five form of communication

CGB Bank is going to restructure and relocation the business in order to match the growing completion in the banking Industry in Sri Lanka. Organizational restructuring is a process which involves making changes its internal structure including departments, ownership, processes, operations or ownership. CGB bank objective of this restructuring is to increase bank’s profitability and integrated (Reference, 2016). The relocation is a change in the physical location of a business (, 2016) which use CGB bank to move new market segment within the industry. These changes happen to make different consequences to the stakeholders therefore they can stressful times ahead. Effective communication is crucial to use for shape and influence perception and attitude about the changes in the bank. CGB bank management is going to plan the internal communication form as follow,

Intrapersonal Communication

Intrapersonal Communication involve only one person which reflect how CGB bank perceive and react to the change. Mr. D H J Gunawardena is the chairmen of the bank and other board of directors participate to this intrapersonal communication campaign by holding conferences, forums and functions about how the company face the changes with their stakeholders. This type of intrapersonal sessions is important to increase knowledge about how to perceive and react to the changes and increase confidence about the changes.

Interpersonal communication

CGB Bank can use this interpersonal communication which involves to two parties convocations about the changes. CGB bank plan to use all heads of departments and branches to contact with their subordinates and discuss the changes and get required actions to solve their personal and work related problems.

Group Communication

Group Communication also another useful internal communication form to CGB Bank which happen to discuss with small number of people about new changes in the company. CGB Bank planned to use this communication form to interact with their stakeholders about the changes through holding meetings, online discussion, telephone convocations etc. This help to the company to communicate with different group in different way according to their requirements.

Public Communication

Public communication helps to communicate to group of people which can used to hold general meetings with CGB bank’s employees. It supports to inform the stakeholders about the changes and CGB bank planned to communicate the changes in written notices.

  • Mass Communication

CGB Bank uses this method to send a single message to all stakeholders of the company. The company planned to communicate through social media sites, junk emails, newsletters, TV and Radio advertisements. The bank planned to use this form of communication method to inform their competitive changes to investors, customers and all other stakeholders.

Three skills required by the internal communication Manager

CGB bank is going to change their organization structure and location therefore the internal communication manager should enough skills to overcome the challenges in his this section discussed three skills required to manage the proposed change.

1. Have the courage to say no.

CGB Bank is going to change the organization structure and relocation which are happening to make positive consequences and also negative consequences to their stakeholders and also the business. Internal Communication Manager should have enough capabilities to say “No” against unfavorable changes and highlights negative impacts to relevant parties (Malone, 2011).

2. Know the business and the changes

The manager should have updated knowledge about CGB Bank, therefore, the manager should collect information by visiting departments, meeting project management team member and all other managers and employees which support to know the current situation of changing process and business (Malone, 2011).

3. Stay focused on the audience

Within the changes of CGB Bank, the manager needs to understand their audience perceptions and attitude towards restructuring and relocation (Malone, 2011). Time to time, the manager needs to know their stakeholders’ opinions, perception, and attitudes towards the changes and inform them of accurate information in right time.

References (2016). What is relocation? definition and meaning. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Sep. 2016].

Malone, S. (2011). The 6 Skills Needed to be a Successful Internal Communications Manager. [online] VirtualStudio.TV. Available at: [Accessed 30 Sep. 2016].

Reference. (2016). What is organizational restructuring?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Sep. 2016].