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Management Assignments

Reflection on learning leader

With time, the environments change and the working styles of people change too. So quick adherence to the changes in environment is vital for the success and this paper will address the learning requirements of the leaders. Learning leaders The leaders of a team or a company should be an example. They must be able to guile others through example. They must be willing to learn, able to handle uncertainties and most importantly, able to learn, able to facilitate foster…

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Reflection on the Meaning of Leadership

Leadership is called as the process of influencing the activities of an individual or a group in efforts toward goal achievement in a given situation (Hersey & Blanchard 1988). In every organization, managers play the role of leaders in achieving the organizational goals and objectives. In understanding the roles of the managers, one of the primary responsibilities of the Manager is to ensure the smooth run of the operations that are there in the company. In ensuring the smooth run…

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Human Resource Management Practices in ABC Brands Lanka (Pvt) Ltd.

Introduction ABC Lanka brands overview ABC is one of the most successful multi-national dairy companies and a leader in dairy ingredients and consumer business. ABC is built on rich heritage of dairy expertise and passion. Today, ABC is world’s largest exporter of dairy products, largest company in New Zealand which is unlisted and is a Co-operative group owned and controlled by 11600 dairy farmers in New Zealand. Their business is based on sourcing secure, high quality milk and unlocking its…

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Training and Development

Introduction Human resource is the most uncertain and unpredictable yet valuable and irreplaceable asset of an organization. The whole organization relies on the performance and behavior of the employees. Therefore organizations always try to recruit the best and outstanding candidates whenever possible. Hence the employees try to join with competitors who give more benefits to the customers. And so the organization should retain good employees. Concentration on retention and job satisfaction should be given by the organizations in order to…

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